A story read in the
Green Cane and Juicy Flotsam being
Tetiyette and the Devil. The story is surrounded by a young girl by the name of "Tetiyette" she is encountered by many men one being a Pig who envision to be large and unkempt she quickly turns down the offer to speak with him as she did the same with the goat,who I envision to be tall and old. It seems to me that the young girl is unsatisfied with the common approaches she is getting possibly the use of animal names is a form of figurative language to show their physical appearance not meeting the standards of the young girl,this can also reveal that her mindset is not fully developed to where she can pick a long term partner wisely.Ultimately in the story she encounters the Devil dressed finely in disguise and as described "decked himself in gold"(2).With this description you can assume the Devil presenting himself in a way he knows the young immature girl will allow him into her life.This encounter at first hand may appear to good to be true as she hears those that surround her saying "no man is that beautiful"(2).-and it was however giving she comes from a home surrounded by older people and her immature mindset it is easy to go for what is not good for her leading to a toxic relationship. "she said to her mother:You see, I didn't lie to you. There's the blood!"(2).In return the young girl puts herself in harms way ,lies to her mother, and is isolated on the 7th floor and swallowed whole.Essentially she is rescued by her brother, however within the story you can see "Tetiyette" was warned by her elders to be careful and instead of following their careful wishes and being blinded by her lack of inexperience she risks her life for appearance instead of being optimistic to those who weren't as appealing first glance.
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